List of Global Notifications in Azure DevOps
These are the list of Global Notifications in Azure DevOps
- Build Completes – This is triggered whenever a build is completed
- Pull request reviewers added or removed – Whenever pull request are reviewers are added or removed the users will get an email
- Pull request completion failures – Whenever a pull request has failed a notification will be triggered
- Pull request changes – when a pull request is marked as complete the notification would be triggered
- A comment is left on a pull request – Any comments on the Pull request or
- Extensions have been modified – When extensions have been modified (new updates)
- Extensions are requested or requests are updated – Whenever extensions are updated or requested by team members
- Run stage waiting for approval – Whenever a stage approval is pending
- Manual validation Pending – whenever a manual validation is pending for a stage
- Manual intervention pending -Notifies the team when a manual intervention is pending on the team
- Deployment to an owned stage failed – Notifies the team when a deployment does not succeed and makes a stage that the team owns unhealthy
- Deployment to an approved stage failed – Notifies the team when a deployment team approved does not succeed and makes the stage unhealthy
- Deployment completion failures -Notifies the team when a deployment team requested does not succeed and makes the stage unhealthy
- Deployment approval pending -Notifies the team when an approval for a deployment is pending on the team
- A work item assigned -A work item assigned
- A reaction is added to a work item comment -A reaction is added to a work item comment