GitHub Enterprise Pricing & Feature Comparison

GitHub Enterprise is the enterprise version of GitHub and it comes in 2 different versions (Cloud and Standalone version). Actually Github has 3 different plans, GitHub enterprise is the most expensive among them with $21 per month whereas the other 2 plans are much cheaper but without some of the features which is exclusive only to GitHub Enterprise!

GitHub has mainly 3 plans which are GitHub Free, GitHub Teams and GitHub Enterprise. The main difference between GitHub Teams and GitHub enterprise is the GitHub advanced security otherwise rest of the features are same between both the offerings. It makes sense for any organization to go with GitHub Teams rather than the Enterprise as the Teams offering is much cheaper.

The other problem is GitHub Copilot doesn’t come with GitHub Enterprise, it has to be purchased separately by the organizations which costs around $19 per month for every user in a Business organization and other offerings like code spaces are billed separately and it doesn’t come with the Teams.

Feature difference between GitHub Teams and GitHub Enterprise

FeatureGitHub TeamsGitHub Enterprise
Unlimited Public & Private ReposYesYes
Access to GitHub CodeSpacesYesYes
Protected BranchesYesYes
Multiple reviewers in Pull RequestsYesYes
Draft Pull RequestsYesYes
Code OwnersYesYes
Required ReviewersYesYes
Pages and WikisYesYes
Environment Deployment Branches YesYes
Environment SecretsYesYes
Enterprise Managed UsersNoYes
User Provisioning through SCIMNoYes
Enterprise account to centrally manager an organizationNoYes
Environment Protection RulesNoYes
Audit Log APINoYes
SOC1, SOC2 Type Reports annuallyNoYes
SAML Single Sign-OnNoYes
Advanced AuditingNoYes
GitHub ConnectNoYes
CI/CD minutes per month300050,000
Package storages20GB50GB
GitHub Advanced securityNoYes
Premium SupportNoYes

GitHub Teams won’t have Advanced Security, Premium support , SAML Sign-on which are some of the important features but rest of the features is something that is not needed for enterprise organizations

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