Assigning a user with Azure DevOps Administrator role in Azure Active Directory

Azure DevOps Administrator role is different being owner of the organization or an Project Collection Administrator. It enables you to restrict the creation of Azure DevOps organizations within an organization which is connected to Azure Active Directory. Only Global Administrators can assign these Azure DevOps Administrator role to users and let us see how to do these in the below steps

Step1: Go to Azure Active Directory

Step2: Click on users and search for the user whom this role should be assigned

Step3: Click on Assigned Roles and then click on Add Assignments

Step4: Search for Azure DevOps Administrator in the roles as shown and then select it

Step5: Click on “Add” to add the role to the user

Step6: Once added a success message will be displayed as shown saying the role has been successfully added to the user.

Now the user assigned with Azure DevOps Administrator role would be able to perform

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