Author: Shan

Markdown in Azure DevOps Dashboard

Markdown widgets allow you add your own text, images as well as links in Azure DevOps. This is another way of adding an image to Azure DevOps Dashboard whereas you can also add an...

LeadTime Chart in Azure DevOps Dashboard

Dashboards also has a Lead Time Widget which would display the time taken by the team to complete User Stories or Features or Epics. There are different ways in which you can configure the...

Disk space in tmp directory in Linux

We can use du command to check the space in tmp directory or any other directory in Linux by using some other additional parameters. The below commands can be used to display the free...

Partition used and available size

“df” command can be used to list the partition and also the free space that is available with each partition along with where it has been mounted. To see the list of partitions in...

Using du to count number of files in Linux

Though du is useful in counting the file and directory as well as seeing how much space is occupied by a directory in a Linux system. It can be also used to count number...

Total Disk usage for a particular user

There are different commands like du, quota or find that can be run to find disk usage for a particular user. But those commands needs to be executed with particular parameters so that it...

Azure DevOps Health Dashboard

Azure DevOps has a separate health dashboard which can be viewed at and it would display status of different Azure DevOps services in different geographies as shown below. Azure DevOps is currently hosted...