How to change the Theme in Azure Portal?
There are various background colors/themes you can change in Azure Portal. You can either change the theme or change the Azure Portal to dark mode by using the options below Change Azure Portal to...
There are various background colors/themes you can change in Azure Portal. You can either change the theme or change the Azure Portal to dark mode by using the options below Change Azure Portal to...
Azure also provides a trial subscription where you get to use different services for 30 days and there also some popular services that are free for 12 months. In addition to that there also...
It’s possible to rename a subscription in Azure. By default whenever a subscription is created, it will be named as “Pay-As-You-Go”. You can rename the subscription to any name of your choice. The subscription...
Once you have logged into Azure CLI using az login command, you can list the subscriptions assigned to you or subscriptions you have access to by running the below command as shown in your...
Azure Speech to Text is an offering similar to that of Google Cloud’s Speech to Text and it can be easily integrated into websites and apps with minimal coding. This is offered under a...
WordPress sites are really great for content posting. They are very easy to setup and get your site up & running very quickly but once you get a decent traffic you may have to...
Azure Active Directory can have one or more Custom domains. And when users are being created, these custom domains can be used to create Email addresses for the new users. You can use one...
To enable how a user can access subscription, you need to elevate a user to have Access Management policies in the Azure Active Directory.To do so follow the below steps as shown Step 1:...
Billing is easy and seamless in Azure DevOps and you can purchase “Basic” licenses for any users by going to Organization Settings —> Billing You can find more articles about billing Setting up Billing...
Whenever you are creating an Azure VM via Azure CLI you might have encountered an issue like the one shown below The above error messages occurs because Azure has inbuilt restrictions for the password...