Category: AzureDevOps Admin
A Organization owner has same permissions like a user in the group Project Collection Administrators. They have access to wide variety of features. Inshort they are like a super admin in Azure DevOps who...
There can be only one organization owner in Azure DevOps and changing the organization owner is very easy. But you can assign multiple users to have same permissions as an organization owner by adding...
Unfortunately even if you have Project Collection Administrator rights (you are member of Project Collection Administrator) you won’t be still be able to change the icon or logo for an Azure DevOps Organization. Even...
Azure DevOps gives you the ability to change the name of an organization after it has been created. This can be done by either by owner of that particular Azure DevOps organization or by...
You may receive this error when you try to connect to Azure DevOps Server. This error mainly occurs to due to any of the following reasons that are listed below (that ranges from Password...
This is a new access level that was recently introduced. As the name says this access level allows you to access TestPlans and Test Suites in addition to all the features with a Basic...
Not all the users will have access to Azure DevOps Repositories by default. Only if the user has either Basic or above permissions access level, then the user would be able to access Azure...
This is one of the features of Azure DevOps. Stakeholders by default won’t be able to create or edit or delete any tags on the workitems in Azure Boards. If a stakeholder has a...
As you all know Azure DevOps have different types of access levels like Stakeholder (Free), Basic, Basic+TestPlans and MSDN subscription access and among all the different levels above stakeholders access doesn’t have any cost...
To change the Organization’s owner in AzureDevOps you need to have administration access or you should be the owner of the organization. Follow the below steps as shown Step 1: Go to Organization Settings...