Category: AzureDevOps Admin
Issue: Failed to Create PSDrive with Destination:”\\xxxxx\xxxx\” .The specified network password is not correct This issue mainly occurs due to either password or username being not correct. Follow the solution displayed below to get...
To see the what are the top build pipelines in your Azure DevOps instance that is being used frequently, follow the below steps Step 1: Click on Organization Settings Step 2: Go to Usage...
To see the usage by pipeline statistics in your Azure DevOps instance, follow the below steps Step 1: Click on Organization Settings Step 2: Go to Usage Step 3: Select Usage by Pipeline on...
To see the what are the top commands used in your Azure DevOps instance, follow the below steps Step 1: Click on Organization Settings Step 2: Go to Usage Step 3: Select Top Commands...
To see the usage by user statistics in your Azure DevOps instance, follow the below steps Step 1: Click on Organization Settings Step 2: Go to Usage Step 3: Select Usage by User on...
To see the list of top user agents which users use to access your Azure DevOps instance, follow the below steps Step 1: Click on Organization Settings Step 2: Go to Usage Step 3:...
To see a list of users with different license levels in Azure DevOps follow the below steps Step 1: Go to Organization Settings Step 2: Click on Users Step 3: Then Click on Summary...
To rename project in AzureDevOps follow the below steps Step 1: Go to Organization Settings and Click on Projects Step 2: On the Projects, click on 3 dots next to the project you want...
To edit inherited Process template in Azure DevOps, follow the below steps.You should be an Organizational Admin to edit the Process templates Step 1: Go to Organization Settings and then click on Process Step...
Process templates can be also deleted but there is some certain restrictions with regard to inbuilt or the default templates that exist in Azure DevOps Default Process templates like Basic,Agile,Scrum and CMMI can be...