Creating a Bug from TestCase in Azure DevOps
Generally Bugs would be created whenever there is a deviation from the functionality.Let us see how to create those bugs in Azure DevOps
Step 1: Go to TestPlans
Step 2: Select the TestSuite and the testcase in which you want to execute the testcase
Step 3: In the testcase, select the outcome as “Passed” or “Failed” for the TestCase

Step 4: In the test runner, click on “Create Bug”

Step 5: Once you click on “Create Bug”, The steps will be autopopulated from the testcase. Enter the title & then click on “save” button

Step 6: As soon as you click on “Save” button, a bug will be created as shown below

By following the above steps, we can create a bug directly from TestCase Steps and also another biggest advantage of creating a bug from test steps, it will be directly linked with the requirement also if the suite is a requirement based suite