Creating Shared Parameters in Azure TestPlans | Azure DevOps
Shared parameters are nothing parameters which can be used across multiple test cases. A parameter in a testcase can be converted to shared parameter and the same could be used across different test cases and now let us see how to create a shared parameter in the below steps
Step 1: Go to Azure test plans
Step 2: Go to the test case in which parameters already exist
Step 3: Open the test case which has parameters and at the bottom of the page you will find a link called convert to shared parameters

Step 4: Click on “Convert to shared parameters”
Step 5: In the next window, enter the name of the Shared parameters which you want to create and then click on “create”

Step 6: As you see the shared parameters are created below in the testcase

And the created shared parameters can be also seen in the list of parameters.The biggest advantage of the shared parameters is they can be used across different testcases and the parameter values can be updated here itself instead of going to the Testcase and updating it