Executing a TestCase for Web Application in Azure DevOps
We have seen about how to execute Testcases in Azure DevOps at the top level., let us go in detail and see how to execute the testcases for any web application in the following...
We have seen about how to execute Testcases in Azure DevOps at the top level., let us go in detail and see how to execute the testcases for any web application in the following...
We have seen already about how to execute a testcase but let us see about how to execute a testcase for Desktop application. If you need to execute testcases for Desktop applications then you...
TestRunner is a tool that is used to collect screenshots and diagnostic data for Azure DevOps. You can download the Test Runner from here – https://aka.ms/ATPTestRunnerDownload (TestRunner can be used for Desktop applications as...
Sometimes it’s necessary to copy a test suite from one testplan to another instead of recreating the test suite with all the testcases in the new Test Plan. Let us see how to copy...
In Azure DevOps, we can assign testers to TestPlans/Test Suites/TestCases making them responsible for executing the TestCases. When you assign a tester to a testcase, their name will be assigned to the TestCase to...
There are many ways to export TestCases from TestPlans and TestSuites in Azure TestPlans. Let us see here how to export testcases into a PDF as well as in a Microsoft Excel document Steps...
As we know in Azure DevOps, TestPlans consists of Testsuites which in turn consists of TestCases. Let us see how to copy a TestPlan and then create a new TestPlan in the below steos...
We have seen about how to create and edit the shared parameters as well as how to insert the already existing shared parameters in the testcase.Let us see here about how to convert parameters...
A TestCase in a TestSuite can be executed multiple times during a release and sometimes its necessary to track those TestCase Execution history to see how many times there has been a bug fix...
A TestCase Execution is marked as “Failed” when atleast one of the steps is marked as “Failed”.Let us say that a TestCase has 4 steps, even if the first 3 steps are passed, if...