Tagged: Azure DevOps Issue
Issue: VS402335: The timeout period (30 seconds) elapsed prior to completion of the query or the server is not responding. Solution: This issue occurs when the query takes time longer than usual to complete....
VS403363: Your personal account does not have access to the organization XXXXXX Solution : This error occurs when you have created an organization with your work email address before your organization decided to create...
Issue: VS402939: Release with ID XXX does not exist Solution: The reason is simple, you may get this error when the Release has been deleted or has not been created or you don’t have...
Issue: VS402612: The macro ‘@CurrentIteration’ is not supported without a team context. Solution : This error mostly occurs when you try to create a query based suite containing the current iteration. Current iteration is...
Issue: VS402337: The number of work items returned exceeds the size limit of 20000. Change the query to return fewer items Solution : Azure DevOps has a default limit of 20000 workitems for any...
Azure DevOps Issue: TF30063: You are not authorized to access Solution : This error mostly occurs when you are trying to connect to Azure DevOps or Azure DevOps server from Visual Studio or Excel...
Issue : VS402904: Access denied: User XXXXX does not have view release definition (or) VS402904: Access denied: User does not have edit release pipeline permission. Contact your release manager (or) VS402904: You do not...
Issue: VS402486: The number of processes has exceeded the limit. Solution : This issue occurs when you are having more than 32 inherited processes templates and when you try to create a new inherited...
Issue: VS402831 : Cannot move or copy work item (or) VS402831: Changes have been made to the process that require you to refresh your browser. Solution: This issue occurs when you try to move...
Though Microsoft provide a way to change the language settings in Azure DevOps, this has no effect on the organization. You can see this option under Time & Locale under user settings where you...